When an alien admitted for the first time in Mexico, the immigration agent stamped his mark on your immigration document, this stamp will indicate the date of your income if you came by land, air or sea, indicating the days you are allowing your stay.
The important thing is to see how many days authorized your stay, remember that the term shall commence from the date of your income and is counted by calendar days, ie, they include Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
For example, if your entrance sealed, dated May 1 for 30 days, your immigration document will expire on May 30, as it has your date of entry and is counted by calendar days.
When you have to do a migration process and the last day of validity of your document falls on a holiday, then the law provides to the letter that the term "shall be extended until the next working day"
If you need professional help we are at your service
at any stage you have pending before the National Migration Institute, at your
service to assist you throughout the process of immigration processing in our
offices in Isaac Garza No. 1326 Pte between Calle Porfirio Diaz and Ignacio L.
Vallarta, in the center of the city of Monterrey, Nuevo León, phone 8452-8343,
044811-2031390, email: martinezylozanoabogados@hotmail.com,mi.services@hotmail.com, consultation by appointment.
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